Saturday, April 28, 2007

"Prejudice is a disease we can never get rid of". Discuss.

As defined by Wikipedia, prejudice is an evaluation or decision made before the facts of a case could be properly determined and weighed.

As such, I agree that prejudice is a disease we can never get rid of. It is by human nature to form opinions about someone or something. However, it is usually based on whatever limited knowledge we have about the subject. Thus, its inevitable that the opinions formed would be biaesed to a certain extent. Moreover, the opinions we form are often in league with the general opinions of the society we are in. This did not occur as a result of coincidence but more due to the social pressure we feel that force us to alter our opinion to coincide as closely as possible with that of the society. Furthermore, such phenomenon is evident in every culture, organisation and community. An example would be racial discrimmination of the African Americans by the Whites in United States. The kids were brought up in a culture that deem most African Americans as crimminals and where it was alright to call them “niggers”. These childrem were brought up with this mentality and it is then passed down the generations. This cause the African Americans to be ensnared within the trap of prejudice and discrimmination, unable to break through it. Thus, prejudice is an undesirable trait of human that will stay with us just like a disease we can never get rid of.

Having said that, prejudice may never be rid of but it can be minimised that it is almost non-existent.. This can be achieved by cultivating one’s character to be more understanding, more objective in one’s thinking, more open minded and less egoistic. Till that goal is achieved, prejudice would be a disease detrimental to the health of the human race.

"The real innovation that Youtube provides is that --- individuals and groups can produce entertainment. The lawsuit is one of the Great Battles ov

The real innovation of Youtube is its ability to provide individuals and groups of people a platform to showcase their entertainment to a large group of audience across continents by simple few ‘clicks of the mouse’. Anyone with a camcorder can film a video. However, nobody will be able to view it. To achieve that, one would have to search for sponsors and the video has to pass various critics before it could be aired on television. But with the creation of Youtube, one can easily upload a video within a few minutes to a large group of viewers.

However, this innovation has brought about a phenomenon that may ultimately cause its downfall. As any average Joe can post a video, people could just post video clips containing racism content or insulting certain individuals or organization. An example would be the recent video clips posted on Youtube that showed graffiti drawn over the king’s head. This caused Thailand government to ban access to Youtube nation-wide.
If other countries follow Thailand’s course of action when video clips critical of prominent figures in their country is uploaded, Youtube would lost its functionality and lead to its downfall.

A more imminent threat for Youtube would be court cases on copyright issues, which boils down to the question of who will provide or control access to it. If Youtube is unable to retain its authority on who provide or control access, it might well lost its purpose of existence. The media behemoths that acquire it would probably place many restrictions on the usage of Youtube, require memberships to be paid. This would eventually cause it to lose its popularity among users and the history of Napster might well be repeated.